Saturday, September 12, 2009

sick baby blues

feeling so sorry for E. he is sick. has a cold. congested. runny nose. cough. fever. o and i were talking tonight about, even being sick, he plays and smiles and laughs all day. what a sweet baby we have. too bad he doesn't like to cuddle... because thats what i want to do 24/7!

Sippy Cup Score...

I read an article about sippy cup vs. bottle and when to introduce your baby to the sippy cup. It recommended the following:

Introduce Sippy Cup Early

Parents can introduce a baby to a sippy cup as early as six months. The longer a parent waits to introduce a baby to a sippy cup the more resistant the child will be to try and take his or her fluids from it. Introduction to the cup does not have to mean the child has to drink from it right away. Letting the baby play with sippy cup filled with water gets them used to the sight, sound and feel of it and peaks his or her curiosity. Eventually the cup will end up in the mouth and the baby will figure it out from there.

So, O and I, while picking upsome things at Target today, ran across a sippy cup designed for 6 months and older. We got it and tried it out on him with some juice when we got home. We were pretty impressed at how fast he took to it. He knew exactly what to do and drank almost all of his juice! I thought h'd gag on it or drink to fast, but nothing. Yey!

So exactly when can I get rid of these darn bottles???? hahaha