Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kids say the darndest things... even when they are 14!

My sister called me to tell me about her visit with Corey while he was visiting his father last weekend in Jacksonville. She said she took him to the flea market so he could spend some of his money (he was looking for a skateboard) and that they found a shop that sold used skateboards. She said Corey was kind of talking the owners ear off, but she didn't think much of it until the end of their conversation, when she said she almost climbed under the table in embarrassment... Corey and the owner were talking about the skateboards when Corey said "Man, you should open your own shop". The guy looked at Corey and said "Dude, what do you think I am doing here" and Corey replied, "No, a real shop, not a flea market shop". Danielle said she just about died! I don't blame her... but hahahahaha... Glad it was her not me! You just never know what that kid is gonna say!