Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coupon Clarity

So after doing a little research, I have a little clarity on how one might grocery shop for free using coupons. I found this info out from an online article by Kathy Spencer, the "Coupon Queen"(

A few hints were (1) you can use manufacture coupons with store coupons and in-store sales... I didn't know that! (2) In the article she says she doesn't buy anything unless she can get it for free or nearly free using the coupons and in-store coupons/sales - which means she doesn't make list, she just buys those items she has coupons for... and stocks up by buying as many of those items as the coupons allows for or for as many coupons as she has for that item.

I hope that made sense! It made sense to me. There are more tips and tricks... The website says that she spends 1 hour a week coupon clipping/printing and going over store ads... and then 4 hours a week shopping... so there is more to it that you can read about when you pay $1 to join her site. I havn't done that.

I guess I am going to try my hand at this just with my local store this week and see how I fare. My only thing is I am a one-stop-shopper... hate going to multiple stores! But if I get stuff for free... I can adapt, right?!?!

Wish me luck!

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