Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A survey that I found interesting

An emigration survey of 600 South Africans has revealed that:

Climate tops the list of reasons to return;
Crime and corruption tops the list of reasons to leave;
Just over half of South Africans say they’ll never leave;
Only 18% are keen to go; and
Half those leaving say they’ll probably return.

Other than climate, people wanted to be back home with family and friends.
One-fifth cited their love for South African people as a primary reason to stay, while 19% were attracted to nature and wildlife.

Of those leaving, more than 80% cited crime, violence and corruption as the main reason — a huge increase from 55% last year. More women than men named crime as the main push to leave; men were primarily motivated by better job opportunities abroad.

Could it be...

I FINALLY got a call back from an application/resume that I submitted! I have to go test tomorrow at 9:15am for a position with The City of Oakland Park. It is a FT 9-5er and if I recall the pay was within the minimum that I could accept and still afford childcare... so here's to keeping my fingers crossed that this is the break I/we need!

Wish me luck...