Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday Woes...

I wanted to go through all of my photo CD's and pull out the ones that are most memorable that I would like to have in print to put in a photo album and when I inserted the disk I found that my CD/DVD drive is not working. The computer is not recognizing the drive. :( Man, I have sooooo many photos and documents and programs on CD that this is really crap! And now the photos I have already saved on my laptop I can't even burn to disk. I am really hoping nothing happens to my computer before I can come up with an alternate way of saving photos and videos. Arggghhhhh! I guess I will see if I can find something like a free driver fix online, if not, maybe an external CD Drive? I am not sure how that all works but I need to figure something out. Very aggravating!! Not a great way to start my morning! And t top that off... both of my children wake up this morning with serious chips on their sholders. Beautiful.

Pierre is coming over for a braai tonight. Maybe that will bring a nice end to the day... now to get the in-between improved :) E is still smiling... the sunshine through the dark clouds... that's what he is. Sweet baby! Although, the kid has got to start sleeping at night! I am at a loss. Waking up 4-5 times a night does not seem normal to me! O' insurance kicks in November 1... I see a trip to the pediatrician to rule out any possible issues and then it's going to have to be tough-love. LOL Yea, right... E has probably spent a combined total of 1 hour crying his entire 7 3/4 months on this planet! haha.

What I am doing today: Another cup of coffee. Laundry. Daily chores. Gathering all the documents I need to start getting passports, birth certificates, social security cards... sending off for documents I need and copying documents I have. Creating one binder of important documents so I can stop loosing documents (ha). Contacting C's virtual school (what is with these idiots!!!). Start taking photos of baby items to post on Ebay/Craiglist. Playtime with E. Sits ups. Push ups.