Monday, October 12, 2009

falling into place...

Had a nice weekend. Golf. Football. Beach. Braai. Tried not to think about missing the party and friends in Jax. Still bummed we missed it, but such is life.

I am so sun burnt right now that I want to cry! I hope this heals quickly. Got close to zero sleep last night and poor E, every time he wants me to pick him up I about die. Uggghhhh!

O talked to his parents yesterday... looks like his father is going to front the money for the plane tickets so we can just concentrate on saving living costs. His parents wants us to go over in June.. which I guess we could, but O and I talked and have decided to wait until September, after T's 18th birthday. Gives us an extra two months to save and we will be here to see T into adult-hood. :) His parents are very excited! They have been very busy preparing for us... I guess they have been gathering furniture from friends/family and their own garage and at this point the only thing we are going to need when we get there is a house and a bed! Sounds good to me! And O's dad has secured him the job interning under him and checked his credit history and it is clean and running. So, looks like things are slowly (or not so slowly) falling into place. We still don't know about C (staying or going) but I think I will just take O's parents advice and not stress or worry and hopefully things will just work out how they are supposed to in the end.
O's dad did say that they have a home school program over there, mainly for English students. You go to school but you sit in front of a computer all day and do your work online (kind of like they did at Gains when C went there). It's all in English and you work at your own pace... so, in the event C does go with, I think that might be a good way to ease into life over there for him. Not too far out of his element.

So, we still have a lot to do and paperwork to file and money to save... but things are progressing and we are feeling good about our decision. One thing that O and I talked about and that his dad also mentioned was this is a BIG move. For O and I to go over there and start long-term careers and saving for retirement and such, this will be a permanent move. We can't return in 5 or 10 years because then we would be starting all over again in our early to late 40's. So we have to really be prepared to say this is it. We will return to visit... but SA is where we are going to live for the rest of our lives.